LÁSKA BOŽE LÁSKA slovenská lidová Láska, Bože, láska, kde ťa ludia berú? Na horách nerastieš, v poli ťa nesejú. Ľúbosti, ľúbosti, mala som ťa dosti, ale už ťa nemám ani medzi prsty. Keby sa tá láska na brali rodila, nejedna panenka hlavu by sklonila. ------------------------- verze anglicky: Oh Love, Good Lord, oh Love Where on earth are you found? You're not grown in mountains You're nor sown in the ground Oh dear Love, oh dear Love You were quite familiar You've gone away from me Even throught my fingers Even if from a field Love could be begotten Not only the maiden Would bow down her head then https://www.zpevnicekunas.cz/